Choose among the list of the resources below wherein you can find a great collection of content (varying in forms of written articles, third-party websites, and media materials) covering significant information and comprehensive topics well-linked with the featured subject; offering easy access for download and online reading.
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Web resources
- Eduxir. (n.d.).
- Entrepreneur. (n.d.).
- Epicster. (n.d.)
- Irene. (n.d.).
- life, A. (n.d.).
- life, T. s. (n.d.).
- Macedo, A. (n.d.).
- Nature, H. (n.d.).
- Online, V. (n.d.).
- Ordway, M. (n.d.).
- Paxton/Patterson. (n.d.).
- Ripple, P. (n.d.).
- Sens. (n.d.).
- DBS. (2016, March 6). 3 Women Winning at Social Entrepreneurship.
- Eduxir. (2017, May 3). Sources that an entrepreneur should be looking at to get basic ideas.
- Epicster. (2014, January 20). How to Find Business Ideas – The Ultimate Guide.
- Forum, Y. E. (2016, November 15). How Entrepreneurs Make Millions – The Entrepreneurial Mindset.
- Forum, Y. E. (2017, May 5). Understanding MARKET RISKS for Small Business
- Forum, Young Entrepreneurs. (2017, May 5). Understanding MARKET RISKS for Small Business.
- InfoteamConsulting. (2013, June 5). 10. Understanding Customer Needs.
- Kauffman FoundersSchool. (2014, April 30). Entrepreneurial Marketing: Modern Marketing Strategy.
- Latitude33. (2015, October 6). Social entrepreneurship – Start a business, save the world, create wealth and sustainable profits.
- Motiversity. (2018, February 14). RISK vs REGRET – Motivational Video for Success, Students and Entrepreneurs
- National, CBC News: The. (2013, November 13). Hope Blooms: Halifax Kids' Winning Salad Dressing.
- The School of Life. (2015, November 9). How to be an Entrepreneur.
- Udacity. (2012, October 18). Minimum Viable Product – How to Build a Startup.
- ValdiWeol. (2015, November 28). What is Entrepreneurship?
- Valuetainment. (2016, April 14). 8 Things that Cause Entrepreneurs to be more Creative